The Birth of WhiteGold Trust was a reward to our founder Mr. Gajanan Jadhao and his efforts in agriculture. All this started with the book for cotton practices and awareness programs named “WhiteGold-Ek Navi Disha”. The book is a bible for cotton crop practices.
First edition of WhiteGold book was launched in 2011 and it is widely accepted and acknowledged by more than 75000 farmers. According to farmers, their life was saved after reading this book. The simplicity of language and pictorial presentation made them easy to understand and built interest. Deep aspects of cotton, sugarcane, pigeon-pie, and soybean crops are covered in “WhiteGold Ek Navi Disha”. Hence WhiteGold achieved plenty of hearts which encouraged us to educate farmers on larger platform and hence WhiteGold trust was formed.
In these few years, Our NGO “WhiteGold Trust” did more than 3500 successful campaigns and educational training programs for cotton, Soybean, pigeon-pie and sugarcane crop cultivating farmers. Agenda behind WhiteGold trust is to educate more number of farmers with different expertise in field practices for various crops. How to cultivate maximum yield in minimal expenses? Which techniques should be adopted? What molecules should be sprayed for cost effective results? We AIM to get all the expertise “together to work for Indian farmers benefit”. Motivating, educating, spreading awareness about medicinal usage on various crops to farmers etc with teaching cost effective solutions is our crucial work. For all such activities, we need to be very perfect and updated in area and crop related present issues of farmers. We need to get actual field trials and test results on different soils for identifying core problems so that we can provide accurate suggestions to our farmers.
Educating with the importance of healthy practices of agriculture will save farmers. And future generations of farmers will develop interest in farming, so there will be a consistency in agricultural practices. We at WhiteGold Trust, motivates young generations from farmer families to look at agriculture as a business perspective, make profit and generate employment.